
Potsdam (dpa / bb) - The Greens federal chairman and candidate for Chancellor Annalena Baerbock has been confirmed by postal vote as the top candidate of the Brandenburg Greens for the federal election.

Baerbock received 85 of the 86 valid votes in the written vote, party spokesman Michael Mangold announced on Wednesday.

There was one abstention.

Baerbock thus received 98.84 percent of the vote.

At the largely digital state delegates' conference on April 17 in Potsdam, Baerbock had received 106 of the 109 delegate votes, which corresponds to a share of 97.2 percent.

The digital voting had to be confirmed by postal vote.

Green federal manager Michael Kellner and Anna Emmendorfer from the Green Youth were also confirmed in the postal vote in places two and three on the state list.

The Brandenburg Greens are hoping for at least three seats in the federal election in September.

In the constituency of Potsdam and the surrounding area (constituency 61), Baerbock also runs for the Greens as a direct candidate against, among others, the SPD candidate for Chancellor Olaf Scholz.


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