Two hours of news with all the editorial staff of Europe 1 around Julian Bugier.

Guests but also current affairs debates, in particular at 6.30 p.m. with the Great Voices of Europe 1 and at 7.15 p.m. around Julian Bugier and a guest.



Charles-Eloi Vial

, doctor of history, curator at the BnF.

He is notably the author of numerous works on Napoleon, the last of which is 


Certitude and ambition

 (illustrated book co-published with the BNF, 2020).


Pierre Branda

, historian and author of numerous works on Napoleon, the last of which is

Napoleon at Sainte-Hélène

 (Ed. Perrin, 2021).


Charles Bonaparte

, descendant of Napoleon I, author of

La Liberté Bonaparte

(Ed Grasset, March 2021).


Philippe Torreton

, actor and author.

He played the role of Napoleon in Monsieur N, released in 2002.