
Hamburg (dpa) - A family of four and four other defendants will have to answer for alleged money laundering in the amount of almost eight million euros from Wednesday (12.30 p.m.) in a trial before the Hamburg district court.

The accused are said to have brought cash amounts from drug deals abroad, as the public prosecutor announced (Az. 618 KLs 16/20).

A 70-year-old woman and her 69-year-old husband and their sons, aged 36 and 42, are charged. The four co-accused men aged 37, 39, 42 and 55 and two other accomplices are said to have worked as money messengers. The couple, who ran a gold trade and a pawn shop, provided them with specially prepared suitcases with money hiding spots in their apartment in the Poppenbüttel district.

The messengers are said to have received up to 1000 euros plus expenses for each transport.

The money was mainly brought to Spain, said a court spokesman.

The main suspects were paid by their criminal employers.

There are 62 cases in the period from September 2019 to July 2020. The allegation is commercial and gang money laundering.

All eight defendants are in custody.


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