
Cologne (dpa / lnw) - Around five and a half years after the knife attack on the mayor of Cologne, Henriette Reker, the non-party politician reminded of the attack on the scene.

The 64-year-old attended the reopening of a weekly market in the Braunsfeld district on Wednesday.

Reker said that the place had a special meaning for her.

"This is where my fate once decided."

Now she is particularly pleased that exactly what her assassin wanted to prevent was created in the district: "good togetherness" and "a city life that enables everyone to develop".

The square and surrounding buildings had been redesigned and modernized in recent years.

The weekly market had therefore paused for a while at the point in question.

Henriette Reker was attacked and critically injured by a right-wing extremist assassin on the market in October 2015 in the final phase of the mayor's election campaign.

She was then in an artificial coma for several days.


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