
Wiesbaden (dpa / lhe) - The jury of the Hessian Journalist Award has honored the former FFH boss, Hans-Dieter Hillmoth, for his life's work to date.

"As the former managing director of Radio / Tele FFH, he made FFH the market leader in Hesse and the second largest private radio station in Germany from 1991," it said.

Until his retirement in 2019, Hillmoth was at the helm of the first private radio in Hessen for around 30 years.

An editor of the Fuldaer Zeitung took first place in the 2020 Journalist Award: Lea Marie Kläsener won over the jury with her four-part series “Climate Change in the Region”.

The two TV authors Daniel Hoh and Holger Barthel from Hessischer Rundfunk landed in second place - among other things for a film on the subject of "Climate change in Hesse - what the hot summer costs us".

The freelance writer Egon Koch won third place for his radio feature “Nature and people in constant stress - how to react to climate change”, which was broadcast on hr2-kultur.

The Hessian Journalist Prize is endowed with a total of 10,000 euros.

The award was actually supposed to be awarded in autumn 2020, then the award was postponed to spring due to the pandemic.

Now the jury decided to award the prize without a face-to-face event.


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Hessian journalist award