
Erfurt / Weimar (dpa / th) - Chickens are allowed to peck in the open again: The compulsory stable for poultry has been lifted for the city of Erfurt and for the city of Weimar, as the city administrations of the two municipalities announced on Tuesday.

The avian influenza is therefore considered extinct in both areas.

This means that poultry products such as eggs and meat can also be transported from the stocks again.

Previously, several other districts had already lifted the stable requirement.

This had gradually been issued in large parts of Thuringia after the influenza virus H5N8, which is highly contagious to poultry, was detected on a poultry farm in Weimarer Land and other cases became known.

Avian flu is considered harmless to humans.

Although experts from the Robert Koch Institute and the Friedrich Loeffler Institute do not rule out the transmission of the H5N8 virus to humans, they point out that such cases of illness have not yet been observed in humans.


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