
Berlin (dpa / bb) - The Berlin CDU Bundestag candidate Mario Czaja has sharply criticized the CDU state chairman Kai Wegner.

Czaja (45), who is running for his party in Marzahn-Hellersdorf for the federal election, has accused Wegner of a “risky right course” in the “Tagesspiegel” (online).

Wegner is closer to the positions of the controversial former constitutional service chief Hans-Georg Maaßen than to those of Chancellor Angela Merkel, Czaja told the newspaper.

Maaßen is supposed to participate in the Bundestag election campaign for the CDU in southern Thuringia.

«The question is, where does the Union stand here in the capital?

My impression has been for a long time that the CDU is moving further to the right, "said Czaja of the German press agency.

For the CDU regional association, Secretary General Stefan Evers rejected the criticism of Wegner: "Mario Czaja's allegations are unfounded," said Evers on Tuesday evening.

Kai Wegner has done a lot for the content and personnel modernization of the CDU.


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Report in the "Tagesspiegel"