No technical fault has been found on the truck and he has, according to P4 Skaraborg, previously alerted about spectacular events that caused major incidents.

A trial is now being launched against the driver, who is suspected of a false alarm.

Something that P4 Skaraborg was the first to report on.

The suspicions against the man were aroused quite soon after what happened and a technical investigation showed no faults at all on the brakes.

The driver explained this by saying that the truck had been hit when it drove over a ditch on its way out into the field, and that they started working again after that.

Do not believe the explanation

Prosecutor Mathias Johansson at the Public Prosecutor's Office in Skövde does not believe that explanation.

The 26-year-old truck driver is now charged with false alarm, felony.

The truck driver drove the rampant truck for an hour and a half on the E20 before turning out into a field.

The alarm caused a large emergency response of police, helicopters and ambulances.

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17-year-old Kasper Svensson helped the police when the speeding truck drove off the road.

Photo: Johan Sjöström / Private