
04 May 2021

After a year of closure due to Covid, Disneyland reopens, which for the occasion has decided to inaugurate a new theme park, dedicated to one of the most famous kisses: that of Prince Charming to Snow White.

If the idea was to pay homage to a figure much loved by children, the result was a shower of criticism in the USA, because that kiss frees Snow White from the spell of the evil Queen, but, it is argued, it does so in a way totally inappropriate: that is a stolen kiss, taken without the consent of the young woman, who instead sleeps a very deep sleep after eating the poisoned apple.

The controversy arises in the Anaheim theme park in California, which reopened on Friday. The main carousel, completely redone, now has the representation of the kiss scene.

"A kiss he gives her without her consent while she sleeps, which can't be true love if only one person knows it's happening," notes the online newspaper San Francisco Gate. "Consent in early Disney films is a matter important. Teaching children to kiss, when it has not been established whether both parties are willing to commit, is not good, "the critics write." We do not already agree that consensus in early Disney films is an important issue ? What to teach children to kiss, when it has not been established whether both sides are willing to commit, isn't that okay? " continues the magazine. "It's hard to understand why Disneyland 2021 chooses to add a scene with such old-fashioned ideas about what a man can do to a woman,especially considering the company's current emphasis on removing problematic scenes from rides like Jungle Cruise and Splash Mountain. Why not reimagine an ending in line with the spirit of the film and Snow White's place in the Disney canon, but that avoids this problem? ".

The question that arises now is: what will be said about the Prince of Sleeping Beauty?