
Warendorf / Wadersloh (dpa / lnw) - The police found unsecured rifles and traps equipped with living birds on a suspected poacher.

During the search of two apartments of a 65-year-old man in Wadersloh (Warendorf district), the authorities discovered several improperly stored long guns and unsecured ammunition, according to Tuesday.

The officers also secured live traps that were equipped with decoys.

The feathers of one of the animals were clearly trimmed.

Several birds were held captive in a so-called crow catch.

Crows and live traps were made unusable on site, and the birds were released.

A toxicological report should clarify whether the prepared bait found was poisoned, it said.

Firearms and ammunition were seized.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210504-99-465446 / 2


Police notice