
Magdeburg (dpa / sa) - Saxony-Anhalt wants to relax the corona rules in counties with relatively low infection numbers from next week.

The state government announced on Tuesday that outdoor restaurants, certain tourist offers and the outdoor areas of swimming pools could open there again.

Model tests should then be possible again.

The condition for openings is that the seven-day incidence in the district is below 100 on five working days in a row.

"There's a lot going on outside again," said Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) after a cabinet meeting.

In principle, those who have been vaccinated, those who have tested negative and those who have recovered should be treated equally.

The state government wants to clarify the details of the new corona rules during the week and resolve them by Friday at the latest.

The new state ordinance could already apply on Sunday.

If the incidence falls below the 100 level for five days, the rules of the so-called federal emergency brake no longer apply - the new state ordinance should now regulate which regulations then apply.

On Tuesday, however, the value of all 14 districts in Saxony-Anhalt was only below 100 in Magdeburg - but this was the second working day in a row.

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