
Munich (dpa / lby) - A 29-year-old man from Munich has served the prison sentence for the murder of the businessman Dominik Brunner at an S-Bahn station in Munich - but he is now on trial again.

The Munich District Court announced on Tuesday that he had violated the requirements of his leadership supervision and consumed cocaine.

The process is scheduled to start on Thursday.

The daily newspapers “Münchner Merkur” and “tz” had previously reported.

According to the verdict on September 12, Brunner was kicked and beaten so violently by the then 18-year-old and his 17-year-old companion that he later died in hospital. The 18-year-old was sentenced in 2010 by the Munich District Court I for murder to nine years and ten months of youth imprisonment. His revision was unsuccessful. He has been at large again since May 2019. The second offender got seven years for dangerous bodily harm resulting in death.

In the opinion of the court, the young men had wanted to take revenge on Brunner.

The businessman had seen how they harassed a group of younger students at a train station in Munich and demanded money from them.

Brunner then called the police from the S-Bahn.

In Solln he got out with the students and stood in front of them.

But the young men beat and kicked him, Brunner later died in the hospital.


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Message in tz

District Court of Munich