
Leipzig (dpa / sn) - According to investigations, a 41-year-old was attacked by several strangers on May 1 in a parking lot in Leipzig.

He was first surrounded and brought to the ground in the Schönefeld district, then at least three people from the group hit and kicked him, the State Criminal Police Office announced on Tuesday.

After that, the group is said to have left the crime scene with bicycles.

The LKA is looking for witnesses to the dangerous bodily harm.

Since, according to the previous investigations, a political motive could not be ruled out, the Police Terrorism and Extremism Defense Center (PTAZ) took over the processing of the case.

The LKA did not provide any information on the type and severity of the injuries.

Further details on the possible reasons for the crime were not given either.

Information from social media or the Internet that could help to solve the crime is also important for the police and the public prosecutor, it said.


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