
Munich (dpa / lby) - The improvisation theater of the Munich association Impro macht Schule has been awarded the Bavarian Integration Prize 2021.

The project is aimed primarily at young people from socially disadvantaged families who are taught at secondary schools, as a spokesman for the Bavarian State Parliament announced on Tuesday in Munich.

Since 2012, the association has introduced more than 1000 young people to 27 schools to improv theater.

The first prize, endowed with 3,000 euros, is to be presented on June 21 in the Bavarian State Parliament by State Parliament President Ilse Aigner, Interior Minister Joachim Hermann and Integration Commissioner Gudrun Brendel-Fischer (all CSU).

The second prize went to the anti-radicalization project of the Global Parents' Association in Nuremberg.

The association wants to bring politics and human rights closer to children and young people.

The third award went to the Youth Bridge project of the European Janusz Korczak Academy in Munich.

The association enables young people to take part in a two-year training program for professional development.

The special award went to Zahra Akhlaqi, chairwoman of the Munich association Heimat.

Akhlaqi campaigns for young refugees as well as for women's and girls' rights.


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Communication from the state parliament