
Wiesbaden / Berlin (dpa) - An alleged author of right-wing extremist threatening letters with the sender "NSU 2.0" was arrested in Berlin during an apartment search.

The public prosecutor's office in Frankfurt am Main and the Hessian State Criminal Police Office announced this on Tuesday night.

The 53-year-old unemployed man of German nationality is under urgent suspicion of "having sent a series of threatening letters nationwide with inciting, insulting and threatening content since August 2018 under the synonym" NSU 2.0 ".

The recipients were predominantly public figures, especially from the media world and politics, including members of the Hessian state parliament and the Bundestag.

The suspect had already been convicted in the past for numerous - including right-wing motivated - crimes, the statement said. At no time was he a police officer. The data carriers seized during the search on Monday would now be evaluated, and among other things, the suspicion of sedition, the use of symbols of unconstitutional organizations, the threat and the insult are being investigated.

In mid-March, the Hessian Interior Minister Peter Beuth (CDU) reported a total of 133 threatening letters sent.

The investigators would attribute 115 of these letters to the "NSU 2.0" crime complex.

18 letters were allegedly written and sent by free riders.

The recipients were predominantly public figures, especially from politics and the media world.

The 115 letters were addressed to 32 people and 60 institutions in a total of nine federal states and in Austria.


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