
Überlingen (dpa / lsw) - After more than a year of pandemic-related delay, the state horticultural show in Überlingen will officially open today.

At the start of the garden exhibition, Agriculture Minister Peter Hauk (CDU) is also expected at Lake Constance.

All parts of the site, such as the Uferpark in the city in the Lake Constance district, are open to visitors from 9.00 a.m.

The state horticultural show relies on a comprehensive protection and hygiene concept with traffic lights, one-way systems and a limitation of daily visitors to around 6,000. Guests must register in advance and show a negative quick test before accessing the site.

There are exceptions for those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered.

Due to the high incidence figures in the Lake Constance district, the opening of the show, which had already been planned for 2020, was postponed this year as well.


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State Horticultural Show in Überlingen