
Frankfurt / Toulouse / Chicago (dpa) - Despite its difficult situation in the Corona crisis, Lufthansa is investing in new long-haul jets from Airbus and Boeing.

The board of directors has decided to buy five Airbus A350s and five Boeing 787 “Dreamliners”, announced the company in Frankfurt, which is listed in the MDax.

The supervisory board approved the project.

The new planes are intended to replace older, more fuel-thirsty aircraft for the core Lufthansa brand.

According to the information, the Boeing jets are already produced machines whose intended buyers would have wanted to buy them later because of the crisis.

The first copies are scheduled to fly for Lufthansa as early as next winter, and the rest will be added by mid-2022.


The delivery of the five Airbus A350s is scheduled to follow in 2027 and 2028.

In return, Lufthansa has also renegotiated the delivery schedules for previously ordered aircraft with both manufacturers.

According to the information, the investment in new aircraft is in line with the rescue package with which the German state saved Lufthansa from collapse during the corona crisis.

According to the information, the new aircraft consume around 30 percent less fuel per passenger and 100 kilometers than their predecessor models.

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