In its review, the Swedish National Audit Office sharply criticizes the government and the National Agency for Education, as it is considered that too many students have been excluded from the sample.

Even earlier than that, officials sounded the alarm about shortcomings in the handling of the test, according to documents that SVT has read.

Despite this, the Minister of Education in the Riksdag has said that there were no signs of inaccuracies.

- Her secretary of state has gone so far as to dismiss this as conspiracy theories.

All this together makes the situation serious for the Minister of Education, says Mats Knutson.

The Sweden Democrats have already issued demands for the minister's resignation, and according to Knutson, similar proposals can also be expected from other parties.

On Thursday, Ekström will be questioned in the Riksdag's education committee.

- But we must remember that in order to remove a minister, 175 members out of 349 are required, and we are definitely not there yet, says Mats Knutson.

Listen to Mats Knutson's analysis in the video player above.