
Emmerthal (dpa / lni) - Preparations are beginning for the upcoming decommissioning and dismantling of the Grohnde nuclear power plant near Hameln and the construction of a local interim storage facility.

The operator Preussenelektra presented the documents for information and public participation, said Environment Minister Olaf Lies (SPD) on Thursday in Hanover.

The power plant, which has been in operation since 1984, is due to be shut down in December.

Preussenelektra expects the nuclear dismantling to take 10 to 15 years.

This is followed by around two years for the conventional demolition of the building.

"The exit from the use of nuclear energy is a done deal," said Lies. "This is also evident at the locations of the power plants." Both during the decommissioning and dismantling of the nuclear power plant, radiation protection and the safety of residents and employees should be the focus. From May 6 to July 5, the relevant documents can be viewed on the website of the Ministry of the Environment and displayed in the Ministry and at the Emmerthal community, where the power plant is located. Objections are possible within two months. Their discussion is planned for autumn.

A hall is to be built on the site for the interim storage of radioactive residues that arise when the power plant is dismantled.

"In Lower Saxony we have already gained extensive experience with the dismantling of nuclear power plants," said Lies.

“The high safety and radiation protection requirements must also be met during dismantling.

That is our standard that we will use as a basis for the permits. "


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