
Hamburg (dpa / lno) - The young climate activists from Fridays for Future (FFF) Hamburg have welcomed the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court on the Climate Protection Act.

The Karlsruhe judge's verdict is "the logical consequence of the failure of the GroKo in climate protection and an important and historical response to years of disregard for scientific knowledge," said FFF spokeswoman Annika Kruse on Thursday.

"We expect the federal government to do everything it can to drastically sharpen its own climate targets in order to comply with the 1.5 degree limit of the Paris climate agreement."

In their ruling, the Karlsruhe judges oblige the legislature to regulate the reduction targets for greenhouse gas emissions for the period after 2030 in more detail by the end of next year.

Constitutional complaints from several climate protection activists were partially successful (Ref .: 1 BvR 2656/18 et al.).

The judges declared that the complainants, some of whom were still very young, had violated their rights of freedom as a result of the provisions in the law.

"The regulations irreversibly postpone high emission reduction burdens to periods after 2030."


The Climate Protection Act was passed by the Bundestag and Bundesrat at the end of 2019 as part of the climate package.

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