When it gets warmer and wetter in the air, hundreds of thousands of frogs, toads, salamanders and other amphibians begin to cross the roads in Skanör.

It's all about them getting from the places they overwintered to the spawning waters where they are to multiply.

As both residents and cars increase in the area, the amphibians' spring migration has become more dangerous. 

- In the past, there was perhaps one car per household and people did not normally drive at night.

Today it is not so.

You have more cars per household and there are larger roads for amphibians to cross, says Jan-Åke Hillarp who is a biologist at Falsterbonäset's nature conservation association.

Frog tunnel underway

The municipality has previously promised a tunnel where the amphibians can cross the road in peace and quiet without the risk of being hit, but so far it has not come into place.

Therefore, Jan-Åke Hillarp has a call to motorists for the spring.

- Reduce the speed in places where there are frog walks and try to take them between the wheels.

You can never avoid driving at all, but avoid the ones you can and it will be a good continuation for the amphibians.