
Frankfurt / Main (dpa) - Commerzbank has prematurely elected Helmut Gottschalk as the new head of the supervisory board for a transition period until the end of this year's general meeting.

The 69-year-old was judicially appointed to the supervisory board with effect from April 14.

The control committee then elected Gottschalk as its chairman in an extraordinary meeting on Thursday.

This emerges from a message on the intranet of the Frankfurt MDax group, which is available to the German press agency.

This means that Gottschalk can chair the shareholders' meeting, which has been postponed to May 18.

As previously planned, Gottschalk is to be formally elected to the Supervisory Board by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting along with four other new candidates.

"The supervisory board intends to re-elect Helmut Gottschalk as chairman immediately after the general meeting," says the intranet post.

Then Gottschalk would be regularly appointed until the end of the Annual General Meeting in 2023.

At the end of March, Commerzbank decided in favor of the former chief inspector of DZ Bank (May 27, 2010 - May 30, 2018) as the successor to chief inspector Hans-Jörg Vetter, who had retired due to illness.

The institute is pursuing a tough austerity course under new management.


"I'm looking forward to working on the upcoming changes on the Commerzbank supervisory board," Gottschalk is quoted as saying in the message.

"As chairman, I would like to make my contribution to bringing this proud and traditional institute back on a sustainable road to success."

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210429-99-405546 / 2

Commerzbank on the nomination of Gottschalk


Commerzbank supervisory board

Commerzbank on the 2020 balance sheet

Commerzbank annual reports


Information on the Annual General Meeting 2021

DZ Bank on the appointment of Gottschalk as its chairman of the supervisory board May 27, 2010

DZ Bank on the change at the top of the Supervisory Board May 30, 2018