
New Delhi (dpa) - The corona pandemic continues to rage in India with ever higher values ​​for new infections every day.

In the past 24 hours, 379,000 people have been infected with the corona virus, as figures from the Indian Ministry of Health show - a global record.

3645 people died with or from the disease in the same period.

All adults in India should be able to be vaccinated from May.

On Wednesday, the rush to the registration websites was so great that the servers were temporarily overloaded, as reported by Indian media.

Initially, vaccinations should only be possible after online registration.

In view of the huge population of 1.3 billion people, there is a shortage of vaccines - even if India itself produces masses of vaccines.

So far, less than ten percent of people have received at least one dose of vaccine.


In addition to the vaccination rate, the violent second wave in India is also associated with great carelessness including major religious festivals and election campaign events in recent weeks and with the virus mutant B.1.617.

The variant is under observation at the World Health Organization (WHO), but in contrast to the British variant B.1.1.7, it has not yet been classified as worrying.

The total number of corona infections in India rose to more than 18 million.

In addition, more than 200,000 people have died in connection with the coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic.

According to the WHO, 38 percent of the corona cases reported worldwide come from India last week.

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