
Wiesbaden (dpa / lhe) - The Hessian AfD has turned against the corona measures of the state and federal government with a protest in Wiesbaden.

According to the police, up to 500 people took part in the rally in the city center, and around 70 people took part in a counter-event by “Grandmas against the Right”.

The AfD strictly rejects the federal emergency brake and the state restrictions on the population and companies to protect against infection with the corona virus.

The economy is suffering, short-time work and unemployment threaten more and more households and families, the party said.

She announced further rallies.

Criticism came from the CDU, which accused the AfD MPs of not fulfilling their duty during a state parliament debate, but of demonstrating “hand in hand with constitutional enemies”.

The AfD used the freedom of expression "to make pacts with those parts of the lateral thinker scene observed by the protection of the constitution, who specifically fight against the democratic basic order of Germany and do everything to damage our legal and value system," said the CDU member and parliamentary managing director Holger Bellino.


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