
Mülheim an der Ruhr (dpa / lnw) - When a tram collided with a car, three people were injured in Mülheim an der Ruhr: two occupants of the car and one tram passenger.

After the accident in the Styrum district, they were taken to hospitals on Wednesday afternoon, the fire brigade announced.

The driver's side of the car was therefore badly damaged in the collision with the tip of the tram.

The driver and nine passengers were on the train at the time of the accident.

The uninjured passengers were then able to continue their journey by rail replacement service.

The driver was looked after by employees of the transport company.

The traffic was severely impaired during the approximately one-hour deployment by the rescue services and the fire brigade.

The exact course of the accident was initially not yet clear.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210428-99-393038 / 2


Press release from the fire brigade - with photo