
Leer (dpa / lni) - After a fatal dispute in Leer, the Aurich public prosecutor brought charges of manslaughter against a 37-year-old man before the Aurich district court.

The man from Vietnam is suspected of fatally injuring his 42-year-old compatriot and work colleague in an argument in January this year, the prosecution announced on Wednesday.

Accordingly, the man is said to have stabbed the victim several times with a knife in the abdomen, lower leg and groin area.

The man died a little later in a clinic of a bleeding shock as a result of the deep stab wounds.

Before the crime, the two men had got into an argument near an Asian restaurant in downtown Leer.

The motive for the act has not yet been determined, said a spokesman for the public prosecutor's office.

The suspect has therefore not given any information.

The man had initially fled the scene, but police officers stopped him in his apartment on the day of the crime.

He has been in custody ever since.

The Aurich Regional Court now decides on the opening of the main proceedings.


© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210428-99-389953 / 2

Communication from the Aurich public prosecutor's office