
Erfurt / Eisenberg (dpa / th) - The Thuringian FDP is postponing the election of its Bundestag candidates actually planned for this Sunday in Eisenberg.

The state list for the federal election on September 26th will probably not be set up until mid-June, said state manager Tim Wagner on Wednesday upon request.

We are talking about June 12th or 13th.

As a reason, he cited the requirements of the health department, which made the choice of the state list difficult due to frequent ventilation breaks.

Wagner contradicted the representation of a party member, according to which formal errors in the convocation of the state representative assembly, which elects the Bundestag candidates, were the reason for the postponement.

The first place on the list for the federal election is contested in the FDP: three candidates made it clear before the representatives' meeting that they would run.

In addition to the currently only Thuringian FDP member of the Bundestag Gerald Ullrich, the former FDP general secretary Patrick Kurth and Erfurt Jan Siegemund have announced that they are applying for first place.


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