
Augsburg (dpa / lby) - It is an everyday experience: a dog barks at another four-legged friend.

In Augsburg, however, this has now led to the dog owners attacking each other.

As the police reported on Wednesday, the day before the dog of a 35-year-old had barked at the conspecifics of a passerby.

The man then drew a pepper spray and aimed it at the barking dog.

The dog owner and her companion wanted to intervene and were immediately attacked with the spray by the unknown man.

The 35-year-old then hit the attacker with her dog's rubber toy in the head.

The man suffered a laceration on his forehead and nevertheless searched the distance with his bicycle before the alarmed police could intervene.

The officials are now hoping for evidence of witnesses.


© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210428-99-391074 / 2

Police report