
Los Angeles (AP) - "Wonder Woman" star Gal Gadot (35) gets involved in a sci-fi romance.

In the film adaptation of the novel “Meet Me in Another Life”, the Israeli actress is on board as the leading actress and producer, as reported by the US industry portal “Deadline.com”.

British author Catriona Silvey's debut novel revolves around the fateful encounters between a woman and a man in completely different realities.

"Catriona's characters are wonderfully explored and deeply complex," the film portal quotes from a message from Gadot.

At first nothing was known about the possible start of shooting and the other cast of “Meet Me in Another Life”.

Gadot, who has appeared in Wonder Woman 1984 since December, already has a full schedule.

In recent months, she has also accepted roles in projects such as “Cleopatra”, “Justice League Part Two” and the spy thriller “Heart of Stone”.

In March, the actress announced that she was expecting her third child.

She has been married to the Israeli businessman Yaron Versano since 2008; their daughters are nine and four years old.


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