
New Delhi (dpa) - In India, a total of more than 200,000 people have died in connection with the corona virus since the beginning of the pandemic.

That comes from figures from the Indian Ministry of Health on Wednesday.

However, experts assume that the actual number of deaths is likely to be significantly higher.

A strong second wave hit the gigantic country with its 1.3 billion people.

The health system is working to the limit.

More than 300,000 new cases have been registered every day since Thursday last week.

There is a lack of medical oxygen, hospital beds and antiviral drugs.

Sick people are turned away from hospitals and sometimes suffocate.


The wave has been associated with great carelessness in the past few weeks and with the virus mutant B.1.617.

In addition, less than ten percent of the people in India have received at least one vaccine dose so far - even though India is actually known as the “pharmacy of the world” and manufactures vaccines on a massive scale.

In the country with the second highest population in the world, the total number of infections rose to around 17.6 million.

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