
Berlin (dpa) - Joko Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf were on the verge of triumph in the season of “Joko & Klaas against ProSieben” - and then lost at the last minute.

The two initially won all six games that led to the final on the ProSieben show.

On an obstacle course with dictation, medicine ball throwing and rolling the dice, however, the entertainers lost their luck in the end.

Now they have to pose for a ProSieben horse calendar.

The station had previously thought of this consequence as a punishment for a defeat.

For a long time it had clearly looked as if the two would win and again be allowed to create 15 minutes of their local channel ProSieben at prime airtime as they see fit.

Last week they had won the show - Winterscheidt (42) had Heufer-Umlauf (37) erected a monument in front of the Berlin Central Station in front of the camera during the time he had earned.


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