
Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - The collective bargaining talks for employees in Baden-Württemberg's retail trade are going into the first round today, Wednesday (11.00 am) in Stuttgart.

Verdi negotiator Bernhard Franke said: "Applause and one-off payments are not enough, the employees deserve recognition and permanently improved pay and collectively agreed coverage."

The union is demanding, among other things, 4.5 percent more salary as well as another 45 euros and an increase in training allowances by 100 euros per month.

Franke points out that the retail sector as a whole is achieving increases in sales and profits, albeit unevenly distributed.

The employers reject the demand as "completely utopian".

The trade association criticizes that it is unrealistic and does not take into account the current economic situation in the retail sector.

Its managing director Sabine Hagmann said: "Many of our non-food retailers have been forced to close for up to six months since the beginning of the pandemic last year until now."

These companies have their backs to the wall.

"You are about surviving and saving thousands of jobs."

Around 500,000 people work in this branch in the country.

Less than a third of the companies are bound by the collective agreement, as Verdi announced.


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Communication on Verdi demand

Reaction of the trade association