
Mosbach (dpa / lsw) - The fall of the Wall in Wertheim concerns the judiciary from this Wednesday (9:30 a.m.).

In December 2019, part of a listed retaining wall in the city in the Main-Tauber district collapsed.

The subject of the lawsuit is the action of a natural person not described in more detail by the court, probably the property owner, for compensation.

150,000 euros are required.

The defendant is an unspecified company, possibly an appraisal company.

The court has set a settlement date with the aim of an uncomplicated agreement;

if this is unsuccessful, there is a main appointment afterwards (Ref .: 1 O 166/20).

The eight meter high wall on a footpath had been checked by an expert before it collapsed after downpours in December 2019.

He did not see any danger that a preventive cordon would have made necessary.

People weren't hurt.


According to the city, Wertheim Castle was built in the 12th century and expanded over many years.

It towers over the city center on a mountain - this borders with the affected wall fortifications on the old town.

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