
April 27, 2021 A 510 million euro plan for the summer to allow female students to recover socialization and strengthen learning, taking advantage of skills-enhancing workshops (for example Italian, Mathematics, Languages), educational activities focused on music, art, sport, digital, paths on legality and sustainability, on environmental protection.

The Ministry of Education, led by Minister Patrizio Bianchi, has developed it with the aim of using the summer months to build a 'bridge' towards the next school year, through an offer that represents a response to the difficulties that emerged in the period of the pandemic, but which also intends to enhance the good practices and innovative experiences born during the emergency. The activities will be complementary and integrated with those organized by local authorities. The resources will be dedicated above all to the most fragile areas of the country, in particular the South.

The resources available, the methods of use and the objectives of the Plan were illustrated today to the schools with an operational note that represents the first step of an accompanying activity that will see the ministry alongside managers, teachers, schools, of female students and students, families in the coming weeks and for the duration of the summer activities. A site with information gathering, a help desk dedicated to schools, an information and participatory campaign, also on social networks, with the hashtag #lascuoladestate, will be the main tools available.