It is Läkartidningen that first reported on the protest list that has now been handed over to the region's politicians.

- We hope that the politicians behind the decision listen to the profession.

We are specialists in this particular area, says Marina Tuutma, chairman of the Swedish District Medical Association to SVT Gävleborg.

Retirement organizations are also critical

PRO and SPF Seniorerna Gästrikland in the regional pensioners' council have also reacted to the region's decision.

This is reported by P4 Gävleborg on Tuesday.

They say they have not been allowed to speak on the issue.

- We shall have the right to be a consultative body on issues that affect the elderly, says SPF Seniors' chairman Hans Ström to SVT Gävleborg.

In a written response to SVT, the regional councilor Magnus Svensson (C) writes:

“The Gävleborg region has received the name collection.

It has been a long and extensive process prior to this decision, which is part of the work for good and close care in Gävleborg.

It is gratifying and important to see commitment to the issue of how we can develop primary care.

Based on the name collection, it seems that a smaller proportion from Gävleborg have signed and more from other parts of the country.

The name collection has now been received and will be distributed to representatives and employees in the region. "

Hear about the criticism of the region's decision in the video at the top of the article.