
Dassow / Lübeck (dpa) - Spectacular change of perspective for visitors in the Dassow Adventure and Tiger Park in Northwest Mecklenburg: At the start of the season on May 1, you can not only view the predators living there from a safe distance from the front, but for the first time also from below.

“To see a big cat from below would usually be unique, the last look, so to speak.

Here you now have the opportunity to enjoy it for hours, ”said the director of the park, Monica Farell, on Tuesday in Dassow.

The necessary security is provided by a newly built glass bridge from the tigers and lions' dwellings to the outdoor enclosure.

The almost three meter high plexiglass bridge is the newest attraction in the zoo, opened in 2003 just outside Lübeck, in which around a dozen tigers and several lions live.

The usual start of the season at Easter had to be postponed due to the corona.

Visitors currently have to present a negative Covid-19 test, which must not be older than 24 hours.

According to Farell, the corona restrictions that have now been in place for more than a year have also severely affected the Dassow adventure and tiger park financially.


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