Guest Tuesday morning of Europe 1, the philosopher Michel Onfray wanted to denounce a lack of "political will" in the fight against Islamist radicalization and terrorism.

He also castigates the influence, according to him, of "Islamo-leftism" which seeks to destroy "everything that constitutes France".


"From the fight against Islamist terrorism, we will not give up," assured Emmanuel Macron on Twitter following the murder Friday of a police officer in Rambouillet, shot in the throat after the eruption in a police station of a man with a bladed weapon.

But for the philosopher Michel Onfray, the declarations of intent of the Head of State are rarely followed by the facts.

"It's the return of blah," he lamented Tuesday, in the morning of Europe 1, estimating that in terms of terrorism "the presidential word is totally devalued".

"We don't ask them to speak, we ask them to act"

"That is to say that each time something takes place on the principle of terrorism, it is: 'it will not pass', 'we will be extremely severe', 'we will find the culprits' , etc. ", mocks Michel Onfray.

"The word of the people who are in power is totally devalued. We do not ask them to speak, we ask them to act," he insists.

The radicalization of the assailant, a 36-year-old Tunisian national, "seems hardly questionable", according to statements Sunday by the national anti-terrorism prosecutor Jean-François Ricard, who also referred to "certain personality disorders".

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"The interest of Islamo-leftism is to destroy the nation"

According to Michel Onfray, to consider a legal or security response to Islamism and terrorism, you first need "political will".

But the writer considers that it is stifled by "Islamo-leftism".

"I think there is an interest in Islamo-leftism which is to destroy the nation, to destroy national sovereignty, to destroy France, the history of France, everything that constitutes France", denounces Michel Onfray.