
Hennef (dpa) - The President of the Mittelrhein Football Association (FVM), Bernd Neuendorf, asked DFB President Fritz Keller to clarify quickly after his Nazi comparison.

«Fritz Keller bears a great deal of responsibility.

He has to explain quickly how he intends to deal with his completely indisputable statement, "Neuendorf told the German press agency on Tuesday.

Keller's statements «in the direction of DFB Vice President Rainer Koch are completely unacceptable.

Such a process is unique in the history of the largest national sports association in the world, ”said Neuendorf.

“The comparison with the Nazi judge Roland Freisler stunned me.

It cannot be justified by anything and is not compatible with the values ​​of the DFB and its regional and state associations.

According to media reports, Keller had compared Koch to Nazi judge Roland Freisler.

The top official admitted his "serious mistake", but ruled out resigning despite the great horror about it.


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"Spiegel" report

Cellar at the DFB

Chef at the DFB