
Neuss (dpa / lnw) - To rescue seven ducklings, the Neuss fire brigade descended deep into a rainwater canal on Tuesday.

A passer-by had observed how several of the fluffy baby ducks had fallen into a gully and never appeared again.

Two firefighters went out and found that the chicks had probably got through a pipe from the gully into the main sewer, as the fire department announced.

The emergency services opened several gully covers and sewer shafts before they finally found the right manhole cover: Even when it was opened, a quiet but constant beeping came from the depths of the sewer.

With a net and a lamp, a colleague descended into the canal, which was currently dry, to save the seven chicks that were running around in disorientation.

Without outside help, an escape would have been impossible, said a fire department spokesman.

The excited parents were already waiting for their charges at the gully opening.

The reunited duck family then went straight to the nearby harbor basin and disappeared on the water.

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Notification of the fire brigade