
Berlin (dpa) - According to the DIW economic research institute, Germany will have to spend a lot of money for a long time in order to offer corona-plagued companies a perspective.

The economy needs signs early, said DIW President Marcel Fratzscher of the “Passauer Neue Presse”.

"This includes extending the economic aid significantly again - until next year."

This also applies to short-time work benefits.

In addition, the head of the German Institute for Economic Research advocated clear concepts for the measures to limit the number of infections.

"The companies can certainly deal with a tighter lockdown for a few more weeks - but not with the yo-yo effects of openings and relaxation."


Overall, Fratzscher criticized the fact that economic policy had focused almost everything on short-term stabilization.

"The structural change, however, is still overslept."

Not enough is being done for climate protection, digitization and innovation.

"My concern is not about the restart shortly after the pandemic, but about the long-term development," said Fratzscher.

There is a risk that the new start will only be a flash in the pan and that the structural problems will hit Germany with force in the coming years.

"That's why you shouldn't be too euphoric."

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