
Kuhlen (dpa / mv) - The fire that destroyed a large cattle barn in Kuhlen near Brüel (Ludwigslust-Parchim) on Monday is probably due to a technical defect.

That is what the previous investigations have shown, as a police spokesman said on Tuesday.

In the fire on Monday morning, the entire 50 meter long stable was destroyed.

Helpers were able to drive out and save almost all of the more than 100 animals, one cow died in the fire.

According to a witness, a type of wheel loader was in use at the time of the fire, on which a technical defect is said to have caused sparks that set straw on fire and caused the fire.

The police estimated the damage at around 250,000 euros.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210427-99-367587 / 2


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