
Traunstein (dpa / lby) - The Traunstein Regional Court today sentenced a police officer to a ten-month suspended prison sentence for thwarting punishment in office.

The man had made a serious investigation error, the court justified its decision in the appeal process.

According to the court, the Traunstein official who worked in the state security department had not initiated an investigation against another police officer who had spread racist chats.

The defendant had always protested his innocence.

In the chats, Muslims living in Germany were generally belittled and insulted.

The court did not assume that the defendant could have overlooked this.

He initially thwarted the author's punishment.

This officer later received and accepted a penalty warrant.

The district court of Traunstein had already sentenced the state security officer to eleven months' probation for thwarting punishment last October.

Because the official had also hung a collage with swastikas, an SS rune and a picture of Hitler in his office in 2015, the district court also convicted him of using symbols of unconstitutional organizations.

The Traunstein Regional Court acquitted him of this accusation.


Even the district court had cautiously argued here: It assumed that the collage was known and tolerated in the house.

In turn, the defendant could assume that hanging up the collage was not a criminal offense.

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