Bad breath causes many to feel embarrassed and anxious about interacting with others to not bother them, but there is no need to worry, as this smell can be reduced by identifying its causes and following some tips that can reduce its severity.

Dry mouth

Saliva plays many roles in your mouth, as it helps with chewing, swallowing, speaking and digestion, as well as keeps the bacteria in your mouth at a controllable level, and keeps your mouth moist, and the decrease in the flow of saliva leads to the accumulation of more bacteria on your teeth, and then the smell changes. the mouth.

The flow of saliva decreases during fasting, which leads to the accumulation of more bacteria on your teeth (Getty Images)

Physical ailments

Some health conditions increase bad breath, including diabetes, kidney problems, cirrhosis, stomach ulcers, intestinal obstruction, and tonsillitis.


Tobacco residue causes an increase in bad breath, as well as an increased dry mouth and the risk of gum disease.

Neglecting to take care of oral and dental hygiene

Neglecting regular and regular dental hygiene causes the accumulation of bacteria on food particles attached to the teeth and gums, and these bacteria cause bad breath and cause tooth decay.

Eat foods with strong odors

Eat foods with strong odors such as onions, garlic, chili peppers, spices and fish. Their effects may remain on your breath even after brushing your teeth, as the scents of these foods enter your bloodstream and go directly into your lungs, and come out with every exhale.

How to get rid of bad breath?

You can treat bad breath in simple steps by improving the hygiene of your teeth, and following some tips, including:

Drinking water

During the month of Ramadan, you can keep drinking at least 3 liters of water per day during the Iftar period to compensate for the time of fasting and reduce the dry mouth that increases the bad smell.

Bad breath can be cured in simple steps by improving your dental hygiene (Getty Images)

Clean mouth regularly

Dentist Salma Muhammad Mohi told Al-Jazeera Net that "the teeth should be brushed at least twice during the day for a period of two to 3 minutes, using toothpaste containing fluoride, and making sure to renew the toothbrush every 3 months."

She stressed the importance of washing the gums and using dental floss to clean the narrow spaces between the teeth at least once after the pre-dawn meal, as well as using a tongue scraper to clean and get rid of food remnants that cause worsening of bad breath during fasting.

She added that during the month of Ramadan, teeth can be washed during fasting, with an emphasis on that nothing enters the stomach.

Because that invalidates the fast, or it is possible to use the toothpicks that the Messenger urged.

Avoid foods with strong odors

It is advised to avoid foods with strong odors such as onions and garlic, especially at the time of the pre-dawn meal, and to overcome their smell, the Webmd website advises eating hard fruits or vegetables, such as apples and carrots as well as mint leaves, for their ability to cleanse the mouth and remove these unpleasant odors that may Stuck in the mouth.

It is also advised to avoid drinking tea and coffee at the time of the pre-dawn meal or consuming excess salt, due to its role in increasing dry mouth during fasting, and thus increasing the smell of the mouth.

Eat fresh herbs

Eating fresh herbs is one of the best home remedies for bad breath, including parsley, mint, basil, coriander, or any fresh herb with a pleasant smell, as chlorophyll neutralizes odors.

Eating yogurt can effectively reduce bad breath (Deutsche Welle)

Eat yogurt

Eating yogurt helps reduce bad breath effectively, due to its ability to fight harmful bacteria in various parts of the body, according to a study by the International Society for Dental Research.

Green tea

Green tea is an effective home remedy for bad breath because of its antiseptic and deodorizing properties.

Use a mouthwash

Using mouthwash helps kill the bacteria that cause bad breath, and it also helps prevent tooth decay.

A study published by the National Library of Medicine in the United States in 2017 stated that a baking soda solution can be used instead of mouthwash, and it can be prepared by mixing two teaspoons of baking soda with a cup of warm water, and rinsing with the solution for 30 seconds.

Visit the dentist

Dr. Salma indicated the necessity of visiting the dentist to ensure that there is no tooth decay, which may in turn increase bad breath, as it causes dental pits in which food remnants collect.

As well as maintaining the removal of the tartar that accumulates on the teeth periodically every 6 months, to get rid of the bacteria that live in it and that cause spoilage of mouth odor.