
New York (AP) - A pair of sneakers worn by US rapper Kanye West (43) at the Grammy Awards 2008 was auctioned for $ 1.8 million (about 1.5 million euros).

The auction house Sotheby's in New York announced that this was the highest price that was ever paid for a pair of sneakers at a public auction.

The black leather shoes in sizes 45-46 were made exclusively for West's appearance and marked the start of his own shoe line.

The sneaker collector Ryan Chang had now put the pair up for auction, and the sneakers investment platform “Rares” bought them for the record price.


Extraordinary trainers have recently hit the headlines again and again with high prices at auctions.

In the summer, for example, a pair of white trainers that a co-founder of the sporting goods company Nike had handcrafted around 50 years ago was auctioned for $ 162,500.

Shortly before, a pair of basketball legend Michael Jordan sneakers had brought in $ 560,000.

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