Invited Monday evening from Europe, the Minister of Public Service and Transformation, Amélie de Montchalin, indicated that the "Talents" preparatory classes, open in the region to prepare for public service competitions, will be accessible on file and oral .

It will also be a diploma year.


The reform of the ENA is taking shape. The Minister of Function and Public Transformation, Amélie de Montchalin, announced in

Le Journal du Dimanche

that 74 preparatory classes have been selected in the territory for the preparation of the future "Talents" competition for entry to the Service Institute public (ISP), which is to replace the ENA. These preparatory classes will enable 1,700 scholarship students to prepare for the future competitive examination giving access to positions of responsibility within the public service. "You will have, at least in two universities per region, a preparatory class which is called" Talents of the public service ", and which will prepare for the competitions of the public service and the supervision of the public service", specified Amélie de Montchalin Monday, at the microphone ofEurope Evening.

"These competitions prepare to become hospital director, magistrate, police commissioner and perhaps prefect."

Foster social diversity

The establishment of these classes of scholarship holders should make it possible to stem the phenomena of elite reproduction.

The pupils will be able to register "by presenting a file and by preparing an oral", indicates the minister.

Only the most deserving will be admitted.

"This year will be a diploma year", adds Amélie de Montchalin, so as not to discourage candidates who fear losing a year of study if they do not obtain a competitive examination at the end of it.

"Our challenge is to open the public service to all talented, deserving young people who want to serve others," explains Amélie de Montchalin.

According to her, far too many young people, from underprivileged backgrounds or from landlocked areas, "have integrated the dangerous idea that it is not for them, but for others," she laments.

"The public service has always been a Republican lift, an engine of equal opportunity. We recruit only on the basis of merits, virtues and talents. It is written in the declaration of human rights and citizen ", recalls Amélie de Montchalin.