“Milos Zeman is one of the most experienced politicians in Europe both because of his biography, because of his age, and because of his participation in the political life of his country,” the deputy explained.

Novikov noted that Zeman is distinguished by "fairly balanced estimates."

“Milos Zeman, unlike many modern European politicians, is not characterized by lightness; he is characterized by thoughtful assessments of all events.

He is not noticed in double-headed populism, in participation in anti-Russian provocations of various kinds.

Therefore, of course, his opinion in this regard deserves the most serious authority, serious respect and absolutely does not disagree simply with sound logic, "the parliamentarian noted.

In his opinion, "what everyone understood, what is calculated absolutely logically, Zeman simply confirmed."

Earlier Zeman said that the Security and Information Service had no evidence of the presence of "Russian agents" in the Vrbetice area at the time of the incident.

As the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova emphasized, now we need to wait until the representatives of the Czech authorities, who have allowed themselves a "cannonade of statements against Russia," will comment on the speech of their president.