
Berlin / Essen (dpa) - In the debate about the Internet campaign #allesdichtmachen, criticism of the prominent participants is getting louder.

Under #allemalneschichtmachen, numerous online users criticized the campaign as cynical and not constructive.

The emergency doctor and blogger Carola Holzner - known in the network as "Doc Caro" - called on the artists involved in the campaign to work for a shift in the rescue service or in an intensive care unit.

"You have crossed a limit," said Holzner, senior physician at the University Hospital Essen, on the campaign #allesdichtmachen on Saturday evening in an Instagram video.

"And a pain threshold for all those who have been doing everything for over a year."

Dozens of film and television actors, including Jan Josef Liefers, Heike Makatsch and Volker Bruch, used clips to comment on the federal government's corona policy under the motto #allesdichtmachen.

After severe criticism and some approval from the right-wing camp, some participants later distanced themselves from their contributions.

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Video by Carola Holzner