
Leipzig (dpa / sn) - The Education and Science Union (GEW) has called for solidarity in the Corona crisis.

"Only if the whole of society is willing to pay the price for daycare centers and schools that are open will it be possible to finally end the debates about openings and closings," said the GEW state board in a "wake-up call" published on Saturday the population and politics.

Among other things, the trade unionists are critical of the fact that «employers still do not have to fear the enforcement of home work» and night curfews are discussed more than the education of children and young people: «At the same time, children and young people have to sit in overcrowded buses and trains to get to daycare and school and air filters are still missing from the facilities more than a year after the start of the pandemic. "

"As a union, we are calling on politics and society to finally do everything to ensure that day-care centers and schools can stay open," said GEW boss Uschi Kruse.

While the high numbers of infections make massive cuts in the education of children and adolescents inevitable, hygiene measures and bans in other areas are still being circumvented.

The nationwide emergency brake is a clear sign of this.


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