
Kiel (dpa) - After a six-month voyage in the Eastern Atlantic, the training ship “Thor Heyerdahl” is returning to its home port in Kiel today.

Five teachers had taught 34 students for six months on board the sailing ship and during shore leave.

The trip led to the Canary and Cape Verde Islands as well as the Azores.

Because of the corona situation, the three-master could not head for the Caribbean as usual.

On this journey of the “classroom under sails”, nature was the focus.

Before leaving Kiel, all participants had tested negative for Corona twice.

There were also no cases of infection during the trip.

Because the students and teachers were last at sea for four weeks - and thus quarantined, so to speak - they now neither have to be quarantined at home nor tested for corona.

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"Thor Heyerdahl"