
Saarlouis (dpa / lrs) - The Saarland FDP is going into the federal election campaign with its chairman Oliver Luksic at the top.

At a state representative meeting on Saturday in Saarlouis, the 41-year-old got 79 yes and two no votes with 7 abstentions, according to a party spokesman.

Helmut Isringhaus came second on the state list for the federal election on September 26, 2021, and Angelika Hießerich-Peter came third.

The Saar-FDP nominated a total of ten candidates.

The meeting with around 90 delegates took place, according to the spokesman, "in presence" in a hall with masks and sufficient corona minimum distances.

Luksic has been at the head of the Saarland Free Democrats for a decade.

He is also a member of the Bundestag.

In the 2017 federal election, the FDP in Saarland received 7.6 percent of the vote.

She is currently not represented in the Saarland state parliament in Saarbrücken.

According to the party spokesman, it has around 1000 members in Saarland.

The smallest country in the republic has just under a million inhabitants.

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